"I grew up on that stuff" is a statement I hear rather often, unfortunately it is no longer valid since the ingredients and production of "that stuff" is completely different than what we grew up with...sad but true and therefore a good idea to get the most natural stuff possible.
I usually hear this when discussing food items that are not so healthy for you, like certain cereals, pop-tarts, and most other processed food and snacks. When we grew up they used regular oils or just plain butter, now we are dealing with the VERY dangerous "partially hydrogenated oils" in the top ten of causes of death and this STUFF is in about anything you buy at the grocery store...if you don't pay attention...
They used to use sugar, now they use High Fructose Corn syrup a sweet chemical concoction that has turned obesity into a major epidemic since it's introduction in the early 80's.
Add to this MSG (monosodium glutamate) a neurotoxic flavor enhancer and you have the opposite of that "stuff you grew up with"!
Just eat how mother nature presents you her nutrition and you'll grow up a healthy person!
Cheers, MO
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