This morning I was reading a blog posting about the consternation that going green can cause in families and I had to admit that this is very familiar to me. Yet, thinking of what it means to go green, I just couldn't see why this should be so complicated while so many human beings (especially native) do that naturally on a daily basis.
Have we become a society of convenience? Are the two more steps (passed the trash can) in the direction of the recycle bin too far? It's not recycling only, it is also about being aware of packaging, bringing your own tote to the grocery store, eating from local farms etc. To me it's logical, tasty and just fun!
That's why I support my Farmer Girls who are doing a great job providing us here in Northern VA with great local foods. I just finished creating their facebook and Twitter page as I would like to contribute to a growing community of "green aware" people.
Update: As I was reading this post again last night I realized there is so much more to say and do about "Going Green", I could write a book about it, and many have already done so. There are Green movies and Green blogs, and one I've found this morning is so comprehensive and fun I had to share it with you! Please visit Green Muze and you'll become totally Green inspired!
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